Club Info

"Dedicated to enhancing the knowledge and enjoyment of wine.”
PCWC Waiver
Please Read, Print, Sign and Mail waiver to:
Donna Moffatt
16137 W. Fairmount Ave.
Goodyear, AZ 85395
The Wine Club is open to all residents of PebbleCreek. Annual Dues are $25 per person, per year, expiring on April 30th. No pro rata rates for part-time residents. The Wine Club most normally meets on the third Tuesday of the month in a dinner or tasting format themed around specific wines or varietal's. Most events take place in PebbleCreek. Each event is priced separately and members reserve their seats with their payments. There are no attendance requirements or obligations to attend events. The Club often strives to enhance member knowledge of wine through “educational” segments at their functions. This could include guest speakers, power-point presentations, blind tasting's, wine-maker dinners, etc.
From time to time the Club may put on an extra event, often with capacity control, again depending upon venue selected and the specifics of the program. Participation is, of course, voluntary. Members are encouraged to bring guests to most functions unless they are capacity controlled. Guests typically pay a premium of $10 per person over member rates.
Operational Letter
Please take a moment to review the operational letter for a complete understanding of how the Pebble Creek Wine Club works.